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Voyager 2 transitioned to voltage management 2023 doy 90-91

Dear Voyager science leadership,
The Voyager 2 spacecraft entered into voltage management in the blind, between the V2 DSN passes on Friday and Saturday. The flight team noticed some changes in power and thermal engineering values at the start of Saturday’s V2 pass (April fool’s day!) that indicated a switch to voltage management had occurred. The spacecraft is operating nominally and continuing to downlink science and engineering data as expected. The flight team will continue to watch the power and thermal engineering values over the next few weeks since this is a new state for Voyager. Fernando Peralta will be monitoring the science engineering channels and will notify you if he sees any unexpected changes. When you get a chance, please look at your instrument data from Saturday’s pass (and subsequent passes). If you see anything unexpected, please let us know. We are entering into a new phase of Voyager 2 operations where, after 45.5 years, the spacecraft voltage is no longer being regulated. This change may affect some instrument power supplies as the voltage continues to very slowly drop.

This plot of raw engineering values shows the LECP voltages dropping after V2 entered voltage management. The violet vertical line shows the V2 power cycle in January, 2020. The blue vertical line shows when the heater was turned off. The red vertical line indicates when V2 entered voltage management. The cyan line is a fit to the values after voltage management. The fit is used to find the rate of change of the values after voltage management.

V2_Raw_MRT_Engineering_1990-2024 V2_Raw_MRT_Engineering V2_Meas_MRT_Engineering V2_CH31_VM_Corrected



Singles Rates

Transition to Voltage Management, 2023 doy 90-91

AL AR E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 CH31

V2 Heater Off 2021 doy054

AL Heater Off AR Heater Off E0 Heater Off E1 Heater Off E2 Heater Off E3 Heater Off E4 Heater Off E5 Heater Off CH31 Heater Off