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Fundamental TechnologiesVoyager LECP Pages |
Latest MRT Record Header (CR5A) from ftecs
Integer | Byte | Variable | Description |
1 | 1 | MRID | SCID Spacecraft ID – 1=Voyager 1, 0=Voyager 2 |
1 | 2 | MRMOD | SCDMSpacecraft telemetry mode 1-6 Cruise 2-7 7 Cruise 1 8 Near Encounter 10 (OAH) Far Encounter 24 (18H) Cruise 5A 19 (1DH) UV-5A |
Spacecraft Event Time - contains the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) of the first PN bit of the first minor frame (MF) used in this LECP major frame. |
2 | 3-4 | MRETH | SCETH Spacecraft Event Time, Hour - Binary hours since the beginning of the current year. |
3 | 5-6 | MRETS | SCETS Spacecraft Event Time, Seconds- Binary seconds since the beginning of the current hour. |
4 | 7-8 | MRETMS | SCETMS Spacecraft Event Time, Binary - Binary milliseconds. |
5 | 9-10 | MRETYR | SCETYR Spacecraft Event Time, Year- Two least significant digits of year, e.g. 78 |
6 | 11 | MRFLAG | SCEF*16+FDSCFF where SCEF is Spacecraft Event Time Flag 0000 input by NORT file 1111 input by EDRPROC FDSCFF is FDSC Correction Flag which indicates that the FDSC has been corrected. (1=corrected, 0=OK) Bit 3 Spare Bit 2 MOD216 Bit 1 MOD60 Bit 0 Line Count |
6 | 12 | MRG181 | Group 18 ID |
7 | 13-14 | MRM216 | Mod2**16 counter from the Flight Data System (FDS). Increments each 48 minutes. |
8 | 15-16 | MRM60 | Mod60 counter from the FDS. Increments each 48 seconds |
9 | 17-18 | MRLINE | Line counter from the FDS. Increment every 60 ms. |
10 | 19-20 | MRS1 | S1 LECP Status Word 1, MSB=1 if missing. |
11 | 21-22 | MRS2 | S2 LECP Status Word 2, MSB=1 if missing |
12 | 23-24 | MRS3 | S3 LECP Status Word 3, MSB=1 if missing |
13 | 25-26 | MRS4 | S4 LECP Status Word 4, MSB=1 if missing |
14 | 27-28 | MRS5 | S5 LECP Status Word 5, MSB=1 if missing |
15 | 29-30 | MRS6 | S6 LECP Status Word 6, MSB=1 if missing |
16 | 31-32 | MRMOT | LECP Motor Position - contains the motor position at the end of the current record. = –1 if unknown, otherwise Bits 3-1 Motor position (0-7) for sector (1-8) Bit 0 Centered flag, =1 if centered. |
17 | 33-34 | MRNMOV | Number of motor steps. Turn arounds in sectors 8 and 1 or 2 are considered to be 2 steps. = -1 if unknown. |
18 | 35-36 | MRLOGT | Log. Amp. Temperature in Deg C*128. = -9999 if unknown |
19 | 37-38 | TTEMP | LECP Telescope Temperature-contains the telescope temperature (degrees C) x 128. TTEMP= -9999 if the temperature is unknown |
20 | 39-40 | MRMSI | Basic accumulation interval in .01 sec. |
21 | 41-42 | MRQ | Quality of frame = number of good groups |
22 | 43-44 | MRRT | Record type 1 MRT 2 MPT Header 4 SEDR 10 Eng 11 Cal |
23 | 45-46 | MRVER | Version number of S1P program used to process this data. |
24 | 47-48 | MRALT | LEPT/LEMPA - In GS-3 alternating mode this word indicates which logics are being read out in the current record: -1 = unknown 0 LEPT 1 LEMPA |
25 | 49-50 | MRRAB | Redundancy A/B - indicates which of the LECP redundant data systems is being used. -1 unknown 0 A 1 B |
26 | 51-52 | MRPRO | Processing status 0 S1P 1 S2P, motor corrections applied |
27 | 53-54 | MRMOR | Motor period in seconds with some special cases: -1 Not known 0 Not decoded 9000 Encounter Stow (Vgr 2 Jupiter enc) 10000 Stowed or commanded to position Values implemented in software include 5, 6, 24, 48, 144, 192, 360 (6 min), 384 |
28-36 | 55-72 | MRS5S | Nine S5's for Near Encounter only |
37-38 | 73-76 | Spare |
List of Header Block Contents (old ftecs)
1 | 1 | SCID |
I*1 |
Spacecraft Identification; 1=Voyager 1; 0=Voyager 2 |
2 | MODE |
I*1 |
Spacecraft telemetry mode 01(H)=CR2; 02(H)=CR3; 03(H)=CR4 04(H)=CR5; 05(H)=CR6; 07(H)=CR1 0A(H)=FE; 08(H)=NE; 18(H) or 1D(H) CR5A | |
Spacecraft Event Time-contains the Greenwich Mean of the first bit of the first spacecraft minor frame used in this LECP major frame | ||||
3 | 2 | SCETH |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time, Hour-number of hours since the beginning of the current year plus 24. For the one hour interval Jan 1, 0000-0059 UT, SCET=24. The Day of Year may be computed using DAY=(SCETH/24) |
4 | 3 | SCETS |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time (sec.) number of seconds since the beginning of the current hour |
5 | 4 | SCETMS |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time, (millisec) no. of milliseconds since the beginning of the current second. |
6 | 5 | SCETY |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time, Year-contains the last two digits of the current year (i.e., 77, 78) |
7 | 6 | G18ID |
I*1 |
Group 18 Identification-contains the number of the LECP data group being readout at the end of the current LECP major frame |
8 | 7 | SCETF |
I*1 |
Spacecraft Event Time Flag-indicates that the spacecraft clock has been corrected in some manner in the JPL processing. Bit 0 indicates correction to the line count (0=none, 1=corrected) bit 1 the MOD60 counter and bit 2 the MOD2**16 counter. |
9 | 7 | MOD216 |
I*2 |
Mod2**16 Spacecraft Clock Word-contains the spacecraft Mod2**16 word for the first minor frame of the current record. This word is incremented every 48 minutes on the overflow of the Mod60 counter |
10 | 8 | M60 |
I*2 |
Mod60 Spacecraft Clock Word-contains the spacecraft Mod60 word for the first minor frame of the current record. It has a range of 0 to 59 and is incremented every 48 seconds at the overflow of the line counter |
11 | 9 | LC |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Line Counter-contains the line count for the first minor frame in the current record LC ranges from 1 to 800(D) and is incremented every 0.06 seconds |
12 | 10 | S1 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 1, 10 bits, right justified |
13 | 11 | S2 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 2, 10 bits, right justified |
14 | 12 | S3 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 3, 10 bits, right justified |
15 | 13 | S4 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 4, 10 bits, right justified |
16 | 14 | S5 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 5, 10 bits, right Justified |
17 | 15 | S6 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 6, 10 bits, right justified |
18 | 16 | MP |
I*2 |
LECP Motor Position-contains the motor position at the end of the current record. Bit 0 is set if the status word indicates motor centering, it is zero otherwise. Bits 1-3 contain the motor position with 0-7 corresponding to sector 1 thru 8 respectively. MP=-1 if motor position is unknown |
19 | 17 | NMS |
I*2 |
Number of Motor Steps-indicates the number of motor steps within the current LECP Major Frame. Turn arounds in Sectors 8 and 1 or 2 are considered to be two steps. If = -1, datun is unknown. |
20 | 18 | LATEMP |
I*2 |
LECP Log. Amp. Temperature-contains the log. amp. temp. (degrees C) x 128. LATEMP= -9999 if the temperature is unknown |
21 | 19 | TTEMP |
I*2 |
LECP Telescope Temperature-contains the telescope temperature (degrees C) x 128. TTEMP= -9999 if the temperature is unknown |
22 | 20 | BAI |
I*2 |
Basic Accumulation Interval-contains the number of milliseconds of accumulation times for the group 1 and 2 logics (Exception�for CR5A units are 0,01 sec.!!) |
23 | 21 | NG |
I*2 |
Number of Groups-indicates the number of rate groups included in the current major frame |
24 | 22 | MRT/MPT |
I*2 |
01=Master Rate Record, 02=Master Pulse Record, 4 SEDR, 10 ENG, 11 Cal |
25 | 23 | VN |
I*2 |
Version Number-indicates the version of S1P used to process the current data |
26 | 24 | LEPT/LEMPA |
I*2 |
Indicates data type in record: -1=Don't know; 0=LEPT; 1=LEMPA "Normal" NE Logics in GS3 |
27 | 25 | RED A/B |
I*2 |
Redundancy A or B logic flag, -1 Unknown, 0 = A; 1 = B |
28 | 26 | PROC. STAT |
I*2 |
Check SW4 for
50/50. If 50/50 then Item 26 0=LEPT Norm F.E. 1=LEMPA Also check DQW 14-15=11 (in CR5A 0 = S1P; 1=S2P) |
29 | 27 | STEPPING RATE |
I*2 |
Motor period in seconds: -1 = Unknown; 0 = not decoded; 9000 = encounter stow (V2 Jupiter) 10000 Stowed or commanded to position; otherwise one of 5,6,24,48,192,360 or 384 sec. |
30 | 28 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
31 | 30 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
32 | 31 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
33 | 32 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
34 | 33 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
35 | 34 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
36 | 35 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
37 | 36 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
38 | 37 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. | |
39 | 38 |
I*2 |
Spare |
Item |
Array |
Index |
Logic |
#Avg |
Type |
Word |
40 |
R3(3,32) |
1 |
PL01 |
1 |
R*4 |
1-3 |
2 |
PL02 |
1 |
R*4 |
4-6 |
3 |
PL03 |
1 |
R*4 |
7-9 |
4 |
PL04 |
1 |
R*4 |
10-12 |
5 |
PL05 |
1 |
R*4 |
13-15 |
6 |
PL06 |
1 |
R*4 |
16-18 |
7 |
PL07 |
1 |
R*4 |
19-21 |
8 |
PL08 |
1 |
R*4 |
22-24 |
9 |
EB01 |
1 |
R*4 |
25-27 |
10 |
EB02 |
1 |
R*4 |
28-30 |
11 |
EB03 |
1 |
R*4 |
31-33 |
12 |
EB04 |
1 |
R*4 |
34-36 |
13 |
EB05 |
1 |
R*4 |
37-39 |
14 |
EG06 |
1 |
R*4 |
40-42 |
15 |
EG07 |
1 |
R*4 |
43-45 |
16 |
EG08 |
1 |
R*4 |
46-48 |
17 |
EG09 |
1 |
R*4 |
49-51 |
18 |
1 |
1 |
R*4 |
52-54 |
19 |
3 |
1 |
R*4 |
55-57 |
20 |
10 |
1 |
R*4 |
58-60 |
21 |
13/46 |
1 |
R*4 |
61-63 |
22 |
16 |
1 |
R*4 |
64-66 |
23 |
17/47 |
1 |
R*4 |
67-69 |
24 |
28 |
1 |
R*4 |
70-72 |
25 |
31 |
1 |
R*4 |
73-75 |
26 |
32 |
1 |
R*4 |
76-78 |
27 |
33 |
1 |
R*4 |
79-81 |
28 |
35 |
1 |
R*4 |
82-84 |
29 |
38 |
1 |
R*4 |
85-87 |
30 |
39 |
1 |
R*4 |
88-90 |
31 |
42 |
1 |
R*4 |
91-93 |
32 |
44 |
1 |
R*4 |
94-96 |
41 |
R1(26) |
1 |
AL01 |
3 |
R*4 |
97 |
2 |
AL02 |
3 |
R*4 |
98 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
R*4 |
99 |
4 |
5 |
3 |
R*4 |
100 |
5 |
6 |
3 |
R*4 |
101 |
6 |
7 |
3 |
R*4 |
102 |
7 |
8 |
3 |
R*4 |
103 |
8 |
9 |
3 |
R*4 |
104 |
9 |
11 |
3 |
R*4 |
105 |
10 |
12 |
3 |
R*4 |
106 |
11 |
14 |
3 |
R*4 |
107 |
12 |
15 |
3 |
R*4 |
108 |
13 |
18 |
3 |
R*4 |
109 |
14 |
19 |
3 |
R*4 |
110 |
15 |
20 |
3 |
R*4 |
111 |
16 |
21 |
3 |
R*4 |
112 |
17 |
23 |
3 |
R*4 |
113 |
18 |
24 |
3 |
R*4 |
114 |
19 |
27 |
3 |
R*4 |
115 |
20 |
25 |
3 |
R*4 |
116 |
21 |
34 |
3 |
R*4 |
117 |
22 |
36 |
3 |
R*4 |
118 |
23 |
37 |
3 |
R*4 |
119 |
24 |
41 |
3 |
R*4 |
120 |
25 |
43 |
3 |
R*4 |
121 |
26 |
45 |
3 |
R*4 |
122 |
42 |
N3(3,32) |
Data Quality Words for R3(3,32) |
I*2 |
43 |
N1(26) |
Data Quality Words for R1(26) |
I*2 |
Record Structure for Cruise 5A Mode
Header Block 38 I*2 words = 76 bytes | Rate Data = 122 R*4 words + 122 I*2 words = 732 bytes | Pulse Height Data 160 bytes |
TOTAL = 968 bytes |
Explanation of Data Quality Word Contents
Explanation of I*1 Representation
Explanation of I*2 Representation
R*4 Representation
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 1
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 2
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 3
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 4
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 5
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 6
Last modified 8/2/05, Tizby Hunt-Ward