Voyager 1 Detector D2 and SubCom_D1_Fast On/Off 2021-2022 (🏠)

Event Date of Status Word Change
V1 Heater Off 5/16/2021 (d136)
V1 D2 commanded OFF 11/12/2021 (d316) 11:43 (after a data gap)
V1 D2 commanded ON 12/3/2021 (d337) 16:59:46
V1 SUB_COM D1 Fast OFF for unknown reason 12/9/2021 (d343) 19:20:34
V1 D2 commanded OFF 12/27/2021 (d362) 08:27:45
V1 SUB_COM D1 Fast commanded ON 1/27/2022 (d027) 01:47:44

Plots of singles rates response to D2 ON and OFF

Plots of rate channels CH13/46 and CH17/47 from VMIDL and the dump_rates script

From: "Douglas C. Hamilton" 
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:58:31 -0500
Subject: Fwd: FW: [EXT] FW: V1 S-0453 LECP Status Word 3 Change

...  Upon command (cmd word 3), Rate Group 8 can include Channels 13, 17, 28, 38
or Ch 13 can be subcommutated with Ch 46 and Ch 17 can be subcomutated with Ch 47.
As Ed Keath points out, if the subcommutation is occurring Status Word 6 should
indicate it in its 2nd least significant bit (0 => Ch 46 and 47 are being
reported, 1=> Ch13,17 are being reported).  See the Steve Geary paper Table 5-7. 

Status Word 6 lsb 2 == 0 for mrt rates

Status Word 6 lsb 2 == 1 for mrt rates