Time-Intensity Plots
For Voyager 1 and 2

26-Day Averages
1-Day Averages
Interactive Plots
Heliopause Crossings

Spectra Plots

Select type of Spectra


Master Database Files

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26-Day, 52-Day, Annual

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26-Day, 52-Day, Annual

Voyager Documentation


Voyager LECP Data

University of Maryland Space Physics Group

May 22, 2024: Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Science Data from Two Instruments

This website presents flux averages from the Low Energy Charged Particle instruments on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. The PHA data (pulse height analysis) from the LECP instruments have been analyzed to compute 26-day, 52-day, and annual flux averages for several species as a function of energy.

All data returned in the Cruise 5a format are included. The covered time periods are Day 228, 1990 to the present (V1) and DOY 156, 1990 to the present (V2). No planetary flybys are included. Plots are updated automatically when new LECP MRT data appear on the JHU/APL LECP server. This occurs approximately weekly.

Two types of plots are available: time-intensity plots and spectra plots.

Time-intensity plots are shown for H, He, C, and O for three energy ranges near 1 MeV/nuc, 6 MeV/nuc, and 25 MeV/nuc. Click on the Time-Intensity links in the navigation menu on the left side of this page to view thumbnail plots of all species for both V1 and V2. The 1-Day Averages contain a subset of the species and energies available in the 26-Day Averages. Click on the thumbnail to obtain a larger plot. From that page you may choose plots of 52-day or annual averages, or zoom in on data from 2000 to the present. The Heliopause Crossings page has daily averages of GCRs (> 213 MeV) and lower energy protons, helium and oxygen for Voyager 1 and 2 around the time they crossed the heliopause.

Spectra plots are selected by spacecraft, averaging interval, and year in the navigation menu.

The Master Database Files section in the navigation menu contains links to the ascii data files used to make the plots. You can view the data in your browser or download gzipped versions of the files.

Data quality warning: In order to automate these mission plots, no background corrections are made. There are known issues for some of the species at some energies. Energy intervals were chosen for the time-intensity plots for which background corrections are thought to be small in most cases. Users of the data should be in contact with knowledgeable LECP team members.

This Voyager LECP website is maintained by the University of Maryland Space Physics Group

Scientific contact: Douglas C. Hamilton
Software maintenance: Scott Lasley