V1 Singles rates around the large GRB GRB221009A on Oct 9, 2022, day 282
Similar colors indicate the two steps the rates appear in for the two motor directions
(Click on a plot to enlarge)

                         Step      AR      E0     E1    E2     E3      E4     E5      AL     31
2022-10-08 18:00:20.640   6.0       -  596.24      -     -      -       -      -       -  22.74
2022-10-08 18:03:32.640   5.0       -       -      -     -  95.04       -      -       -  23.08
2022-10-08 18:06:44.639   4.0       -       -      -     -      -       -      -  470.43  22.22
2022-10-08 18:09:56.639   3.0       -       -  10.25     -      -       -      -       -  23.25
2022-10-08 18:13:08.639   2.0       -       -      -     -      -   99.15      -       -  22.74
2022-10-08 18:16:20.639   1.0  689.23       -      -     -      -       -      -       -  23.93
2022-10-08 18:19:32.639   1.0       -       -      -  7.18      -       -      -       -  28.55
2022-10-08 18:22:44.639   2.0       -       -      -     -      -       -  32.99       -  23.59
2022-10-08 18:25:56.639   3.0       -  585.30      -     -      -       -      -       -  22.56
2022-10-08 18:29:08.639   4.0       -       -      -     -  93.68       -      -       -  22.05
2022-10-08 18:32:20.639   5.0       -       -      -     -      -       -      -  467.69  22.39
2022-10-08 18:35:32.639   6.0       -       -  10.57     -      -       -      -       -  23.25
2022-10-08 18:38:44.639   7.0       -       -      -     -      -  100.51      -       -  23.25
2022-10-08 18:41:56.638   8.0  667.35       -      -     -      -       -      -       -  22.74
2022-10-08 18:45:08.638   8.0       -       -      -  6.84      -       -      -       -  22.74
2022-10-08 18:48:20.638   7.0       -       -      -     -      -       -  33.16       -  22.91
2022-10-08 18:51:32.638   6.0       -  694.70      -     -      -       -      -       -  23.25
2022-10-08 18:54:44.638   5.0       -       -      -     -  95.04       -      -       -  22.56

                         Step     CH31_1     CH31_2     CH31_3
2022-10-08 18:09:56.639     3  23.076923  23.076923  23.589743
2022-10-08 18:13:08.639     2  22.051281  23.589743  22.564102
2022-10-08 18:16:20.639     1  24.615383  23.076923  24.102564
2022-10-08 18:19:32.639     1  35.897434  27.179487  22.564102
2022-10-08 18:22:44.639     2  24.102564  23.076923  23.589743
2022-10-08 18:25:56.639     3  22.564102  23.076923  22.051281
2022-10-08 18:29:08.639     4  22.564102  22.051281  21.538462
V2 singles rates E5 E0 E2 E4 AL ALAR
V2 singles rates V1 CH31 60D E1 E3 E5 AR

From: "Cummings, Alan C." 
Subject: FW: Opps --I forgot to attach the Fermi and WIND-Konus profile (from the GCN listing) for the 13:20 burst
Date: October 22, 2022 at 12:15:58 EDT
To: "dch@umd.edu", "Decker, Rob", "Hill, Matthew E.", "Krimigis, Tom", "Scott E. Lasley"
Cc: "Cummings, Alan C.", "Stone, Edward C.", "Jamie S. Rankin", robert 

Hi Doug et al.:
This is an email I am forwarding from Bob Wilson in which he provided us the expected burst crossing times at V1 and V2.
Scroll down to see the results. The first attachment is one Bob sent me.
At V1 the most intense burst seen by Fermi would have crossed V1 at 18:18:21 UT on October 8th (DOY 281).
I think that is consistent with your observation (and it definitely is for the CRS one).
I attach a couple of plots that Bryant made that show one of our spikes (we had 4 others
in the same subcom state) along with the timings supplied by Bob.
The DSN was not collecting data from V2 at the time of the burst crossings.
Interesting that you saw it in a coincidence rate, Ch 31.
I think that suggests that gammas from the RTG could be contributing to that rate,
as appears they might be  based on the long term trend Joe Giacalone and Jamie Rankin first noticed.
Alan C. Cummings
Web: https://sites.srl.caltech.edu/~ace/

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: robert 
Sent: Oct 20, 2022 6:55 PM
Subject: Dr. Cummings --I hope this helps (..and fingers crossed for V1/2 detections of GRB221009-A !!)

. . . . .(your request note here). . . .
Hi Bob:
Would you have times when we should look in our Voyager 1 and 2 data for signatures
from the latest huge GRB?
. . .
Dear Dr. Cummings,
Using the initial Swift-XT and UV localization (GCN#32632, Dichaiara et al.)
for the outstandingly-INTENSE GRB221009-A (at 14:10:17 UT at Swift-BAT ,
and same source -but larger/earlier burst at 13:20:00 UT at Fermi-GBM )
..of RA(J2000) = 288.26452, decl.= +19.77350 deg.
I get these expected V-1 and V-2 crossing times:
(i) --for the more intense Fermi-GBM detected burst
( at 13:20:00 UT at Fermi --see power-point slide-plot )
V1= (68498.5 sec BEFORE Fermi) --ie at Oct 08 at 18:18:21.5 UT (..ie day before)
V2= (12040.9 sec BEFORE Fermi) --ie at Oct 09 at 09:59:19.9 UT (..on the 9th)
BASED ON THESE ephem. for the S/C :
(V1) 2022-Oct-08 18:18 RA(J2000)=258.285825046, dec= +12.142284620 (deg), d=158.134691681539 AU from Earht
(V1) 2022-Oct-08 18:19 RA(J2000)=258.285827236, dec= +12.142282277 (deg), d=158.134706916321 AU from Earth
(V2) 2022-Oct-09 09:59 RA(J2000)=301.430965682, dec= -58.899496291 (deg), d=131.404618296815 AU from Earth
(V2) 2022-Oct-09 10:00 RA(J2000)=301.430964041, dec= -58.899493726 (deg), d=131.404633776636 AU from Earth
. . .
(ii) --for the Swift-reported burst:
V1= about same time as for Fermi burst --but shifted 50 minutes and 17 seconds later
V2= about same time as for Fermi burst --but shifted 50 minutes and 17 seconds later
. . .