Fundamental Technologies

Voyager LECP Pages

An Analysis of the Performance of the Magnetic Deflection System in the Voyager Low Energy Charged Particle Experiment

by Sheela Shodhan

Table B.1. Coordinates of the Vertices of the Polygons of the Sensor Subsystem

             X	            Y	           Z
	**(1)inner base of the gamma housing**
	-0.511855	-0.468750	0.000000
	-0.524516	-0.519531	-0.087956
	-0.549839	-0.621094	-0.087956
	-0.562500	-0.671875	0.000000
	-0.549839	-0.621094	0.087956
	-0.524516	-0.519531	0.087956
	************(2)  1u 2u 1g ************
	-0.406825	-0.406250	0.000000
	-0.365594	-0.519531	-0.196209
	-0.511855	-0.468750	0.000000
	************(3)  1g 2g 2u ************
	-0.511855	-0.468750	0.000000
	-0.524516	-0.519531	-0.087956
	-0.365594	-0.519531	-0.196209
	************(4)  2u 2g 3g ************
	-0.365594	-0.519531	-0.196209
	-0.524516	-0.519531	-0.087956
	-0.549839	-0.621094	-0.087956
	************(5)  3g 2u 3u ************
	-0.549839	-0.621094	-0.087956
	-0.365594	-0.519531	-0.196209
	-0.283132	-0.746094	-0.196209
	************(6)  3g 3u 4u  ***********
	-0.549839	-0.621094	-0.087956
	-0.283132	-0.746094	-0.196209
	-0.241901	-0.859375	0.000000
	************(7)  4u 3g 4g ************
	-0.241901	-0.859375	0.000000
	-0.549839	-0.621094	-0.087956
	-0.562500	-0.671875	0.000000
	************(8)  4u 4g 5g ************
	-0.241901	-0.859375	0.000000
	-0.562500	-0.671875	0.000000
	-0.549839	-0.621094	0.087956
	************(9)  5g 4u 5u ************
	-0.549839	-0.621094	0.087956
	-0.241901	-0.859375	0.000000
	-0.283132	-0.746094	0.196209
	************(10)  5g 5u 6u ***********
	-0.549839	-0.621094	0.087956
	-0.283132	-0.746094	0.196209
	-0.365594	-0.519531	0.196209
	************(11)  6u 5g 6g ***********
	-0.365594	-0.519531	0.196209
	-0.549839	-0.621094	0.087956
	-0.524516	-0.519531	0.087956
	************(12)  6u 6g 1g ***********
	-0.365594	-0.519531	0.196209
	-0.524516	-0.519531	0.087956
	-0.511855	-0.468750	0.000000
	************(13)  1g 6u 1u ***********
	-0.511855	-0.468750	0.000000
	-0.365594	-0.519531	0.196209
	-0.406825	-0.406250	0.000000
	******(14) outer opening aperture*****
	-0.406825	-0.406250	0.000000 
	-0.365594	-0.519531	-0.196209
	-0.283132	-0.746094	-0.196209
	-0.241901	-0.859375	0.000000
	-0.283132	-0.746094	0.196209
	-0.365594	-0.519531	0.196209
	******(1) inner surface-the base******
	-0.695438	0.000000	0.000000
	-0.707126	-0.046875	-0.081190
	-0.730500	-0.140625	-0.081190
	-0.742188	-0.187500	0.000000
	-0.730500	-0.140625	0.081190
	-0.707126	-0.046875	0.081190
	******(2) side polygons 1b 2b 1t******
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	-0.531939	-0.062500	-0.108253
	-0.695438	0.000000	0.000000
	************(3)  1t 2t 2b ************
	-0.695438	0.000000	0.000000
	-0.707126	-0.046875	-0.081190
	-0.531939	-0.062500	-0.108253
	************(4)  2b 2t 3t ************
	-0.531939	-0.062500	-0.108253
	-0.707126	-0.046875	-0.081190
	-0.730500	-0.140625	-0.081190
	************(5)  3t 2b 3b *************
	-0.730500	-0.140625	-0.081190
	-0.531939	-0.062500	-0.108253
	-0.486443	-0.187500	-0.108253
	************(6)  3t 3b 4b ************
	-0.730500	-0.140625	-0.081190
	-0.486443	-0.187500	-0.108253
	-0.463695	-0.250000	0.000000
	************(7)  4b 3t 4t ************
	-0.463695	-0.250000	0.000000
	-0.730500	-0.140625	-0.081190
	-0.742188	-0.187500	0.000000
	************(8)  4b 4t 5t ************
	-0.463695	-0.250000	0.000000
	-0.742188	-0.187500	0.000000
	-0.730500	-0.140625	0.081190
	************(9)  5t 4b 5b ************
	-0.730500	-0.140625	0.081190
	-0.463695	-0.250000	0.000000
	-0.486443	-0.187500	0.108253
	************(10) 5t 5b 6b ************
	-0.730500	-0.140625	0.081190
	-0.486443	-0.187500	0.108253
	-0.531939	-0.062500	0.108253
	************(11) 6b 5t 6t ************
	-0.531939	-0.062500	0.108253
	-0.730500	-0.140625	0.081190
	-0.707126	-0.046875	0.081190
	************(12) 6b 6t 1t ************
	-0.531939	-0.062500	0.108253
	-0.707126	-0.046875	0.081190
	-0.695438	0.000000	0.000000
	************(13) 1t 6b 1b ************
	-0.695438	0.000000	0.000000
	-0.531939	-0.062500	0.108253
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	******(14) outer opening aperture*****
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	-0.531939	-0.062500	-0.108253
	-0.486443	-0.187500	-0.108253
	-0.463695	-0.250000	0.000000
	-0.486443	-0.187500	0.108253
	-0.531939	-0.062500	0.108253
	*******(1) SENSOR l.h.s. surface *****
	-0.554688	0.000000	-0.554688
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.554688
	-0.190717	-1.000000	0.190717
	-0.190717	-1.000000	-0.190717
	*******(2) inner down surface ********
	 0.190717	-1.000000	-0.190717
	-0.190717	-1.000000	-0.190717
	-0.190717	-1.000000	0.190717
	 0.190717	-1.000000	0.190717
	**********(3) front surface **********
	 0.554688	0.000000	0.554688
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.554688
	-0.190717	-1.000000	0.190717
	 0.190717	-1.000000	0.190717
	***********(4) r.h.s. surface ********
	 0.554688	0.000000	-0.554688
	 0.554688	0.000000	0.554688
	 0.190717	-1.000000	0.190717
	 0.190717	-1.000000	-0.190717
	***********(5) back surface **********
	 0.554688	0.000000	-0.554688
	-0.554688	0.000000	-0.554688
	-0.190717	-1.000000	-0.190717
	 0.190717	-1.000000	-0.190717
	**********(6) lower aperture *********
	 0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	 0.277344	0.000000	-0.480373
	-0.277344	0.000000	-0.480373
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	-0.277344	0.000000	0.480373
	 0.277344	0.000000	0.480373
	***********(7) trapezium a ***********
	 1.183000	1.773438	0.000000
	 0.591500	1.773438	1.024508
	 0.277344	0.000000	0.480373
	 0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	***********(8) trapezium b ***********
	 0.591500	1.773438	-1.024508
	 1.183000	1.773438	0.000000
	 0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	 0.277344	0.000000	-0.480373
	***********(9) trapezium c ***********
	-0.591500	1.773438	-1.024508
	 0.591500	1.773438	-1.024508
	 0.277344	0.000000	-0.480373
	-0.277344	0.000000	-0.480373
	***********(10) trapezium d **********
	-1.183000	1.773438	0.000000
	-0.591500	1.773438	-1.024508
	-0.277344	0.000000	-0.480373
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	***********(11) trapezium e **********
	-0.591500	1.773438	1.024508
	-1.183000	1.773438	0.000000
	-0.554688	0.000000	0.000000
	-0.277344	0.000000	0.480373
	***********(12) trapezium f **********
	 0.591500	1.773438	1.024508
	-0.591500	1.773438	1.024508
	-0.277344	0.000000	0.480373
	 0.277344	0.000000	0.480373
	*******(13) upper opening aperture ***
	 1.183000	1.773438	0.000000
	 0.591500	1.773438	-1.024508
	-0.591500	1.773438	-1.024508
	-1.183000	1.773438	0.000000
	-0.591500	1.773438	1.024508
	 0.591500	1.773438	1.024508
	*********** END OF SURFACES **********

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Last modified 12/9/02, Tizby Hunt-Ward