Fundamental Technologies

Voyager LECP Pages

TO: E. P. Keath

FROM:  B. Joy Hook

SUBJECT:  Changes to S1P063 to Make S1P070

REFERENCE:  618-306 Revision D

Operational changes

    A.  Handles Cruise 5A telemetry mode
    B.  Keeps engineering data on MRT

Changes to output files

    A.  MRT file

  1. Version in MRT header is 70
  2. New Cruise 5A record type
  3. New Engineering record type
  4. New Calibrate record type
  5. PHA data for Cruise 5A mode included in MRT record

    B.  MPT file

  1. Version is 70
  2. MPT record omitted for Cruise 5A since part of MRT record

The input format of an LECP VIM/Cruise-5A Science Record on EDR file is given in Ref. 1 and in Appendix A.   The resulting MRT is described in Appendix B. The new engineering record is described in Appendix B.  This record can be distinguished from other records by word 22 in the header.

Summary of Contents of Voyager Master Rate Tape (MRT) Records

MRT Header Contains Word Byte
MRID SCID Spacecraft ID (1=VGR1, 0=VGR2) 1 1
MRMOD SCDM Spacecraft data mode
1-6 Cruise 2-7
7 Cruise 1
8 Near Encounter
10 (OAH) Far Encounter
24 (18H) Cruise 5A
29 (1DH) UV-5A
1 2
MRETH SCETH Spacecraft event time hours 2 3-4
MRETS SCETS Spacecraft event time seconds 3 5-6
MRETMS SCETMS Spacecraft event time milliseconds 4 7-8
MRETYR SCETYR Spacecraft event time year 5 9-10
MRG18I Group 18 ID 6 12
MRM216 MOD216 line clock mod 216 counter (48 min) 7 13-14
MRM60 MOD60 line clock mod 60 counter (48 sec) 8 15-16
MRLINE LINEC line clock line count mod 1-800 (.06 sec) 9 17-18
MRS1 S1 status word 1 10 19-20
MRS2 S2 status word 2 11 21-22
MRS3 S3 status word 3 12 23-24
MRS4 S4 status word 4 13 25-26
MRS5 S5 status word 5 14 27-28
MRS6 S6 status word 6 15 29-30
MRMOT Motor position 16 31-32
MRNMOV Number of motor steps 17 33-34
MRLOGT Logarithmic amplifier temperature in 128*deg C 18 35-36
MRLEMT LEMPA Telescope temperature in 128*deg C 19 37-38
MRMSI Basic accumulation interval in milliseconds except for Cruise 5A which is in .01 sec 20 39-40
MRQ Quality of frame = number of good Groups 21 41-42
MRRT Record type (1=MRT, 2=MPT, 4=SEDR, 10=ENG, 11=CAL) 22 43-44
MRVER Version number 23 45-46
MRALT Alternate mode (-1 = unknown, 0=LEPT, 1=LEMPA) 24 47-48
MRRAB Redundancy A or B (-1 = unknown, 0=A, 1=B) 25 49-50
MRPRO Processing status (0=S1P, 1=S2P) 26 51-52
MRMOR Motor period in seconds with some special cases: -1=unknown, 0=not decoded,9000=Encounter Stow (VGR2 Jupiter enc),10000=Stowed or commanded to position,5, 6, 24, 48, 144, 192, 360 (6 min), 384 27 53-54
MRS5S Nine S5's for NEAR encounter only 28-36 55-72
  Spare 37-38 73-76


MRT Data follows header in MRT record Word (16 bits)
RS Array of rates in floating point REAL*4  
  765 for Near Encounter 39-1568
  1294 for Far 39-2626
  888 for Cruise 1-6 39-1814
  122 for Cruise 5A 39-282
QRS Array of quality words for each rate above  
  Integer*2 dimensioned  
  765 for Near Encounter 1569-2333
  1294 for Far 2627-3920
  888 for Cruise 1-6 1815-2702
  122 for Cruise 5A 283-404
PA Array of PHA data logical*1  
  Separate record for all modes except Cruise 5A  
  PA(5,32) for Cruise 5A 405-484


MPT Header contains the same as MRT except for Word Byte
MPNSR Number of supplemental records 6 12
NPNMF Number of minor frames per sum 17 33-34
MPNPHA Number of PHA's 20 39-40


ENG/CAL Contains the same as MRT except for Word Byte
ENFLGS Flags in which bits number 7-0 contain 7-6 Engineering rate 00=10 bps, 01=40 bps, 10=1200 not handled, 11=7200 stored 1200 not handled 6 11
ENEMF Engineering minor frame ( 0-59) of MUX(1). If read from 100 deck, =0 from 200 deck. If <0 occurred in earlier record not available. To reconstruct time if rate is 10bps on 100 deck M216 from record header, M60=lemf (which may be negative) LC=1 6 12
ENLEMT LEMPA Telescope temperature REAL*4 16-17 31-34
ENLOGT Logarithmic amplified temperature REAL*4 18-19 35-38
ENRAB Redundancy A or B 20 39-40
ENTDN Temperature DN 21 41-42
MRRT Record type 10=ENG, 11=CAL 22 43-44
ENMUX Array of readings each 1 byte      
24 multiplexed readings for ENG data 23-46 45-92
60 multiplexed calibration readings for CAL 23-82 45-164

Next: Description of Cruise 5A Data Record

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Last modified 4/27/05, Tizby Hunt-Ward
Original page by I. Robertson