Fundamental TechnologiesVoyager LECP Pages |
Record Format for Near Encounter
List of Header Block Contents
1 |
1 |
I*1 |
Spacecraft Identification; 1=Voyager 1; 0=Voyager 2 |
2 |
I*1 |
Spacecraft telemetry mode 01(H)=CR2; 02(H)=CR3; 03(H)=CR4 04(H)=CR5; 05(H)=CR6; 07(H)=CR1 0A(H)=FE; 08(H)=NE; 18(H) or 1D(H) CR5A |
Spacecraft Event Time-contains the Greenwich Mean of the first bit of the first spacecraft minor frame used in this LECP major frame |
3 |
2 |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time, Hour-number of hours since the beginning of the current year plus 24. For the one hour interval Jan 1, 0000-0059 UT, SCET=24. The Day of Year may be computed using DAY=(SCETH/24) |
4 |
3 |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time (sec.) number of seconds since the beginning of the current hour |
5 |
4 |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time, (millisec) no. of milliseconds since the beginning of the current second. |
6 |
5 |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Event Time, Year-contains the last two digits of the current year (i.e., 77, 78) |
7 |
6 |
G18ID |
I*1 |
Group 18 Identification-contains the number of the LECP data group being readout at the end of the current LECP major frame |
8 |
7 |
I*1 |
Spacecraft Event Time Flag-indicates that the spacecraft clock has been corrected in some manner in the JPL processing. Bit 0 indicates correction to the line count (0=none, 1=corrected) bit 1 the MOD60 counter and bit 2 the MOD2**16 counter. |
9 |
7 |
MOD216 |
I*2 |
Mod2**16 Spacecraft Clock Word-contains the spacecraft Mod2**16 word for the first minor frame of the current record. This word is incremented every 48 minutes on the overflow of the Mod60 counter |
10 |
8 |
M60 |
I*2 |
Mod60 Spacecraft Clock Word-contains the spacecraft Mod60 word for the first minor frame of the current record. It has a range of 0 to 59 and is incremented every 48 seconds at the overflow of the line counter |
11 |
9 |
LC |
I*2 |
Spacecraft Line Counter-contains the line count for the first minor frame in the current record LC ranges from 1 to 800(D) and is incremented every 0.06 seconds |
12 |
10 |
S1 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 1, 10 bits, right justified |
13 |
11 |
S2 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 2, 10 bits, right justified |
14 |
12 |
S3 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 3, 10 bits, right justified |
15 |
13 |
S4 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 4, 10 bits, right justified |
16 |
14 |
S5 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 5, 10 bits, right Justified |
17 |
15 |
S6 |
I*2 |
LECP Status Word 6, 10 bits, right justified |
18 |
16 |
MP |
I*2 |
LECP Motor Position-contains the motor position at the end of the current record. Bit 0 is set if the status word indicates motor centering, it is zero otherwise. Bits 1-3 contain the motor position with 0-7 corresponding to sector 1 thru 8 respectively. MP=-1 if motor position is unknown |
19 |
17 |
I*2 |
Number of Motor Steps-indicates the number of motor steps within the current LECP Major Frame. Turn arounds in Sectors 8 and 1 or 2 are considered to be two steps. If = -1, datun is unknown. |
20 |
18 |
I*2 |
LECP Log. Amp. Temperature-contains the log. amp. temp. (degrees C) x 128. LATEMP= -9999 if the temperature is unknown |
21 |
19 |
I*2 |
LECP Telescope Temperature-contains the telescope temperature (degrees C) x 128. TTEMP= -9999 if the temperature is unknown |
22 |
20 |
I*2 |
Basic Accumulation Interval-contains the number of milliseconds of accumulation times for the group 1 and 2 logics (Exception—for CR5A units are 0,01 sec.!!) |
23 |
21 |
NG |
I*2 |
Number of Groups-indicates the number of rate groups included in the current major frame |
24 |
22 |
I*2 |
01=Master Rate Record, 02=Master Pulse Record, 4 SEDR, 10 ENG, 11 Cal |
25 |
23 |
VN |
I*2 |
Version Number-indicates the version of S1P used to process the current data |
26 |
24 |
I*2 |
Indicates data type in record: -1=Don't know; 0=LEPT; 1=LEMPA "Normal" NE Logics in GS3 |
27 |
25 |
I*2 |
Redundancy A or B logic flag, -1 Unknown, 0 = A; 1 = B |
28 |
26 |
I*2 |
Check SW4 for 50/50. If 50/50 then Item 26 0=LEPT Norm F.E. 1=LEMPA Also check DQW 14-15=11 (in CR5A 0 = S1P; 1=S2P) |
29 |
27 |
I*2 |
Motor period in seconds: -1 = Unknown; 0 = not decoded; 9000 = encounter stow (V2 Jupiter) 10000 Stowed or commanded to position; otherwise one of 5,6,24,48,192,360 or 384 sec. |
30 |
28 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
31 |
30 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
32 |
31 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
33 |
32 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
34 |
33 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
35 |
34 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
36 |
35 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
37 |
36 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
38 |
37 |
I*2 |
Status Word 5 (Near Encounter only) otherwise unused. |
39 |
38 |
I*2 |
Spare |
Near Encounter Data Block Contents
40 |
R27(27,16) |
1 |
PL01 |
1 |
R*4 |
39-92 |
1-27 |
2 |
PL02 |
1 |
R*4 |
93-147 |
28-54 |
3 |
PL03 |
1 |
R*4 |
147-200 |
55-81 |
4 |
EG06 |
1 |
R*4 |
201-254 |
82-108 |
5 |
EG07 |
1 |
R*4 |
255-308 |
109-135 |
6 |
EG08 |
1 |
R*4 |
309-362 |
136-162 |
7 |
EG09 |
1 |
R*4 |
363-416 |
163-189 |
8 |
EB01/EB01 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
417-470 |
190-216 |
9 |
EB02/EB02 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
471-524 |
217-243 |
10 |
EB03/EB03 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
525-578 |
244-270 |
11 |
EB04/EB04 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
579-632 |
271-294 |
12 |
EB05/EB05 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
633-686 |
298-324 |
13 |
PD09/PD09 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
687-740 |
325-351 |
14 |
PD10/PD11 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
741-794 |
352-378 |
15 |
PD11/PD11 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
795-848 |
379-405 |
16 |
AD03/AD03 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
849-902 |
406-432 |
41 |
R09(9,29) |
1 |
PL01 |
3 |
R*4 |
903-920 |
433-441 |
2 |
PL02 |
3 |
R*4 |
921-938 |
442-450 |
3 |
PL03 |
3 |
R*4 |
939-957 |
451-459 |
4 |
PL04 |
1 |
R*4 |
957-974 |
460-468 |
5 |
PL05 |
1 |
R*4 |
975-992 |
469-477 |
6 |
PL06 |
1 |
R*4 |
993-1010 |
478-486 |
7 |
PL07 |
1 |
R*4 |
1011-1028 |
487-495 |
8 |
PL08 |
1 |
R*4 |
1029-1046 |
496-504 |
9 |
AL01 |
1 |
R*4 |
1047-1064 |
505-513 |
10 |
AL02 |
1 |
R*4 |
1065-1082 |
514-522 |
11 |
EG06 |
3 |
R*4 |
1083-1100 |
523-531 |
12 |
EG07 |
3 |
R*4 |
1101-1118 |
532-540 |
13 |
EG08 |
3 |
R*4 |
1119-1136 |
541-549 |
14 |
EG09 |
3 |
R*4 |
1137-1154 |
440-558 |
15 |
SA00 |
1 |
R*4 |
1155-1172 |
559-567 |
16 |
SA01 |
1 |
R*4 |
1173-1190 |
568-576 |
17 |
SA02 |
1 |
R*4 |
1191-1208 |
577-585 |
18 |
SA03 |
1 |
R*4 |
1209-1226 |
586-594 |
19 |
SB00 |
1 |
R*4 |
1227-1244 |
595-603 |
20 |
SB01 |
1 |
R*4 |
1245-1262 |
604-612 |
21 |
SB02 |
1 |
R*4 |
1263-1280 |
613-621 |
22 |
SB03 |
1 |
R*4 |
1281-1298 |
622-630 |
23 |
AB11 |
1 |
R*4 |
1299-1316 |
631-639 |
24 |
AB12 |
1 |
R*4 |
1317-1334 |
640-648 |
25 |
AB13 |
1 |
R*4 |
1335-1352 |
649-657 |
26 |
IL00 |
1 |
R*4 |
1353-1370 |
658-666 |
27 |
IB00 |
1 |
R*4 |
1371-1388 |
667-675 |
28 |
AD04/AD04 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
1389-1406 |
676-684 |
29 |
ZD04/ZD04 alt |
1 |
R*4 |
1407-1424 |
685-693 |
42 |
RG18(18,4) |
1 |
AG18 |
1 |
R*4 |
1425-1460 |
694-711 |
2 |
BG18 |
1 |
R*4 |
1461-1496 |
712-729 |
3 |
CG18 |
1 |
R*4 |
1497-1532 |
730-747 |
4 |
DG18 |
1 |
R*4 |
1533-1568 |
748-765 |
43 |
N27(27,16) |
Data Quality Words for R27(27,16) |
I*2 |
1569-2000 |
44 |
N9(9,29) |
Data Quality Words for R9(9,29) |
I*2 |
2001-2261 |
45 |
NG18(18,4) |
Data Quality Words for RG18(18,4) |
I*2 |
2262-2333 |
Record Structure for Near Encounter Mode
Header Block 38 I*2 words = 96 bytes | Data Block=765 R*4 words + 765 I*2 words=4590 bytes |
TOTAL = 4666 bytes |
Explanation of Data Quality Word Contents
Explanation of I*1 Representation
Explanation of I*2 Representation
R*4 Representation
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 1
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 2
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 3
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 4
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 5
Bit Definitions for LECP Status Word 6
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Last modified 8/2/05, Tizby Hunt-Ward